Student Success

Committed to service

Two OUWB students receive National Health Service Corps scholarships

An image of the two NHSC scholars from OUWB

左起,David Howell (M1)和Gabbie Rowlison (M2)是国家卫生服务队的365英国上市官网. (Photo by Andrew Dietderich)

icon of a calendarDecember 21, 2021

icon of a pencilBy Andrew Dietderich

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The students are David Howell, M1, and Gabbie Rowlison, M2. 只有另外两名OUWB学生是国家卫生服务队(NHSC)的365英国上市官网.

A program through the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 该奖学金要求每个学生在毕业后承诺在服务不足的农村地区实习最多四年, urban, or tribal communities.

It’s a big commitment but Jeremy Jones, associate director of Financial Services, OUWB, 说这两个学生都应该茁壮成长,因为他们都“有服务的心”.”

琼斯说:“我们很高兴认识加布里埃尔和大卫,并与他们一起工作。. “这个机会是当之无愧的,他们未来的病人将从他们的热情服务中受益匪浅。.”

‘Reaching patients who normally aren’t reached’

Much like their decision to attend OUWB, 学生们都表示,他们各自在医学院之前的经历对他们通过全国健康保险基金获得奖学金起到了很大的影响.

Howell is from a community right outside of Portland, Oregon. He earned an undergraduate degree from George Fox University.



不久之后,他意识到世界各地的其他人都在与一系列问题作斗争,而不仅仅是无家可归, but lack of access to health care, for example.

This realization struck him particularly hard, he says, while on mission trips to Africa, 他在哪里目睹了他所谓的“资源严重不足”地区对医疗保健的惊人需求. 他说,他开始感激自己平时能轻易获得抗生素软膏之类的东西.


“I started to realize that we don’t have it much better (in the U.S.),” he says. “这真的开始培养我对医学的兴趣,因为那里可能并不总是有专家在场……或者可能没有最好的设备, but there’s still an obligation to help others.”




In high school, 罗利森参与了当地的各种服务项目,并在当地的食品银行做志愿者. 作为一名大学生,她在图森的埃尔里奥社区卫生中心实习.

“我喜欢沉浸在他们为县里的人们提供负担得起的医疗服务的使命中,” she said. “它确实肯定了我进入初级保健服务的愿望,并为农村或服务不足的社区服务.”

During a gap year, 罗利森通过美国服务队的职位回到了埃尔里奥社区卫生中心, where she led fundraising and grant-writing projects.

“I realized this is the environment I want to work in,” she says. “I really see myself working for a community health center, 或者是联邦政府认可的医疗中心,目标是为那些通常得不到医疗服务的病人提供服务.”

这两名学生说,对社区和服务的承诺不仅吸引了他们来到公开商学院——在那里,这些义务是学校使命中根深蒂固的一部分, vision, and values — but also pushed them to pursue becoming NHSC scholars.

“作为NHSC的365英国上市官网,他们在美国一些最缺乏服务的社区行医, 这些受助人在毕业后将真正继续履行公开商学院的使命,” says Jones.

‘Aligns with my goals’

NHSC计划向追求符合条件的初级保健卫生专业培训的学生颁发奖学金-未来的初级保健医生, dentists, nurse practitioners, certified nurse-midwives, and physician assistants.

Based on how much aid they receive, NHSC365英国上市官网承诺毕业后最多四年的全职服务. Rowlison and Howell committed to the maximum of four years.

Because of the required commitment, 琼斯建议那些对这个机会感兴趣的人仔细考虑奖学金条款. 

“While the NHSC Scholarship Program is an awesome opportunity, 它需要一个认真和长期的承诺,在初级保健医疗服务不足的社区,” he says.


According to the Health Resources & Services Administration, in the U.S., 85 million people live within nearly 7,500 HPSAs. The department says more than 15,000 practitioners are needed.

The application process includes submitting three essays: on the meaning of patient-centered care to the applicant; an example of the applicant proposing an innovative solution to a challenging problem with limited resources; and on an experience in which the student has contributed to the well-being of an underserved community and the impact/result of the contribution.



Howell says given his goal of working in a rural HPSA, 他“如果错过”成为国家健康基金365英国上市官网的机会,那将是愚蠢的.

“It feels amazing to have this opportunity,” says Howell. “I’m thrilled about this program.”

他敦促现在和未来的医科学生考虑申请这个项目,并意识到相关的承诺, upon acceptance.

“如果提供这种医疗保健是你真正想做的事情, then, by all means, go for it,” he says.

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